Solar Control Glasses
Solar control glasses, Enable a comfortable environment by limitingsolar heat gains to the interior and by controlling sun’s excessive glare.
Provide reduction in cooling energy consumption and expenses in air-conditioned environments.
Solar control glass range of Trakya Cam offering various alternatives to users in terms of solar control performance, color, reflection, and benefit from sunlight includes following products:
TRC Helio®, body tinted glasses,
TRC Aura Reflekta, on-line coated reflective solar control glass,
TRC Tentesol®, TRC Tentesol T®, on-line pyrolytic coated reflective solar control glasses,
Solar control performance of glass is determined by the total amount of solar radiant energy entering the room through the glass, and is expressed as solar factor. Solar factor varies according to the quantity of energy transmitted directly and the quantity of energy absorbed.